Monday, January 10, 2011

Clean bed...

If there is any truly simple pleasure, it is getting into a fresh, clean bed.  I know you know what I mean.  This morning I stripped the bed and changed the linens and was filled with the sense of happiness and contentment of knowing that at the end of my day, clean bed was awaiting me.  

via my hipstamatic...

And don't think for a minute that I take my bed and bedding for granted.  I am grateful for what I have.  I could be sleeping on a floor somewhere, or on dirt in a tent.  Mine is a bed of luxury.  There is the feather bed, the base of any good, fluffy bed.  The linens?  I prefer Bella Notte linens  Their lush fabrics and colors have me spoiled.  If you are lucky enough to live near Marin County, you should seek out their warehouse (open Friday and Saturday mornings).  My favorites are the bamboo sheets and the silk velvet accessories.  I even gave bamboo sheet sets for Christmas presents last year!

luscious chocolate

Chocolate, white and petal (pink) are the colors I have the most of... I say that, because my weakness for these yummy linens has lead to a well stocked linen closet!  The bamboo sheets are a soft and creamy.

whisper white

crimson quilt and pouf
The crimson is the most heavenly deep color.  If you love reds, this is as perfect as a red can be.  The patchwork is beautiful and, did I mention, all of the fabrics are washable!

poufs of many colors

luxury patchwork

What is your bedding of choice?  Do you worry about thread count?  At the end of the day, do you tolerate your bed or do you relish in diving into the fluffy goodness?  Sweet dreams...


  1. I must try the bamboo sheets. I am a linen snob. Heavy linen or Cotton/linen blend is imperative in summer and nice in the winter, too. Heavy flannel for the coldest nights, though...
    and the crispest cotton (300 count at the very least) for the hottest part of the summer - so crisp that you almost slide right off the bed....yummy!

    Thanks for sharing. And do you have to make the bed before you get in at night if it was not made (for some unknown reason that morning)? I cannot get into an un-made bed - period!

  2. The bamboo is soooooo soft and never cold, so getting into the winter bed is just as lovely as the summer! I do make my bed daily, but it's easy and I love the crispness when I return at night!
