Saturday, January 1, 2011

Three things...

2011.  A new year.  I am starting this blog, as a novice blogger, in tandem with my sister.  Every day may bring a different subject.  There will be repeats and there will be themes.  For starters, I am a critical care nurse and I love what I do.  So occasionally, you are likely to hear stories from the bedside.  More likely, you’ll read sentiments of gratefulness and gratitude.  My work consistently reminds that life is precious, short and to be enjoyed.

When I was in nursing school and things seemed challenging, my dear friend and roommate would turn to me and say, “quick, three things!”  This meant that I was to rattle off three things for which I was grateful.  It was our way of remembering to be positive and find the joy in our lives.  We live 1300 miles apart, so we do our three things via text.  Still works.  An instant reminder of what we have and how truly lucky we are.  Of course, the three things might change daily.  It’s usually the first three things you can come up with.  So on this, the first day of the New Year, I challenge you to find three things.  I woke up this morning and said mine out-loud. 

 I am grateful for my black lab Maggie.

photo shelley t.

 I am grateful for a great cup of coffee.

coffee courtesy of

I am grateful for the promise of the New Year.

photo courtesy of happiness is... @ 

Three things…  

1 comment:

  1. nice to meet you...swissie!
    I am looking forward to this blog...
    hope you totally enjoy it!
