Tuesday, January 4, 2011

the other sister.

i love that we are doing this, as it will keep me honest.
i love sharing things with my sister, she is awesome.
we call each other Swissie...that stands for Sweet-Sis.
we almost always have.
i love that too.

3 things i am thankful for today...

sarah's chicken noodle soup..
with handmade noodles by her 2 year old.

puffs tissue with lotion..
(how DO they DO that..)

my two year old.

not necessarily in that order.

happy '11 one & all.
all. that's '11 with an a.


  1. 1) my mom and her health
    2) Teahouse chai
    3) my "guys" - all of them in my life (hubby, son(s), dad, brothers

    and I love that "all" is 11 with an "a"....tee hee...
    oh, and I love that you started this blog!

  2. Jone Jone...I loved the pictures of your Mom & Sausalito.. She looks like someone MY mom should meet... I remember you talking about that Chai! & certainly your boys...they are with me nearly every day as well. As are you. xo & Thanks for following!

  3. I love the whole idea of a shared blog and know it will entertain and delight me. Thanks for sending the link! --cheryl
